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Assessing Alternatives

As various offers are received, Valufinder analyzes them and presents them in comparable terms so that the seller can clearly and accurately evaluate their relative merits. While we understand that a seller may prefer an all-cash transaction, optimal pricing can sometimes be accomplished with various types of debt, or equity participation, or possibly with an earn-out or other contingent consideration. Many times, with the right buyer and structure, a seller can have two very lucrative bites of the apple instead of only one from the original sale. Many buyers suggest such alternatives in initial pricing discussions and in the offers that follow.

You see things: and you say 'Why?' But I see things that never were: and I say: 'Why not?' - George Bernard Shaw

Valufinder analyzes all reasonable offers, in conjunction with the seller's other advisors, for current tax laws, accounting, legal and regulatory factors. We assist in evaluating each alternative as it relates to the seller's particular objectives and circumstances in order for the seller to select the best offer.


Once a seller decides to accept a qualified offer, Valufinder can, as needed, work with counsel to draft a Letter of Intent or other documentation necessary to accurately describe the proposed transaction structure, and all the principal terms and conditions of the sale. Our assistance in preparing the documentation is often a great benefit since we are highly experienced in developing and scrutinizing such information to assure that there are no unclear statements or major omissions which could later unnecessarily reopen the negotiation process.