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Over an extended period of time, the use of Valufinder's repetitive contact program (utilizing mail, email and phone) will increase the probability of reaching all the prospects on the buyer's target list of prospects. The following is a partial list of the contact process we perform to reach the prospect.

  • We begin the contact process by rolling out over a period of several weeks a mailing that is customized for each and every prospect on the target list.
The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people. - Theodore Roosevelt
  • The mailings are then followed up, usually within a week, with the first call. The purpose of the call is to convey personally to the seller that the buyer is seriously interested in exploring a possible transaction with the seller. Further, we strive to answer the seller's questions honestly and provide information about the buyer and the various types of transactions they are capable of doing. Valufinder at this time is only interested in attempting to establish a line of communication and assessing a prospective seller's interest in doing a transaction either now or in the future. If the prospect, at this time, is not interested in going further, we do not attempt to push the prospect to take any action.
  • Follow Up - At agreed upon intervals or when we deem it appropriate, Valufinder will contact the prospects to assess their evolving interest in exploring the possibility of some form of transaction. Subsequent calls are scheduled using Valufinder's computerized contact management system. Both custom and mass mailings can be used to provide prospects with any positive news about the buyer. Over an extended period of time Valufinder will initiate repetitive contacts to increase the probability of being there when the seller becomes serious about doing a transaction.
  • Whenever we contact the seller, we consistently repeat the buyer's name and his sincere interest. We utilize the buyer's name repeatedly throughout all conversations and communications. We put the buyer's name in front of the seller’s mind.
Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful individuals with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. - Ray Kroc
  • Progress reports that contain information on candidates are submitted via e-mail to the buyer at agreed upon intervals for all prospects and sellers.
  • Introduction - As soon as the prospect is ready to start actively exploring a sale, we arrange for an introductory conference call with the buyer. However, prior to the conference call, current information on the candidate is forwarded to the buyer in order that the buyer may familiarize themselves with the prospect's details and opportunities.
  • On occasion, in order to start building chemistry between the buyer and seller, Valufinder will arrange a conference call between a buyer and a prospect who is contemplating selling but hasn't firmly decided to do so. This call allows both sides to say "Hello" with no further commitment. It is like a flirtation which can blossom into marriage.
  • Conference Call - In the initial conference call, Valufinder assists both the buyer and seller to make sure that both sides are comfortable, opportunities are explained and explored, questions are understood and answered clearly, and, if appropriate, actions are scheduled to move the conversation to the next level.
  • Follow Through - Valufinder will always follow up with both the buyer and seller to determine their assessment of the introductory conversation and subsequent contacts. Valufinder will schedule appropriate follow-ups to make sure that any actions promised by both buyer or seller are carried out, and that the process does not stall or stop, but moves forward. In the event of any misunderstandings or problems, we will, if possible, quickly correct or fix them.
Success comes to those who know it isn't coming to them and who go out to get it. - Frank Tyger
  • Prioritize - Valufinder will work with the buyer to consistently update and re-prioritize the candidates in order to keep the most interesting at the top of the list. Simultaneously, we will maintain the process of prospecting for new candidates and facilitating contact with additional prospects.